Mauritius | Day Three

It’s amazing to me how living half way around the world with a group of total strangers can so quickly become well – ordinary.

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As I was cleaning up from breakfast and looking out at the pool and swaying palm trees, I realized how incredibly normal this all feels. I suppose doing the same things I do at home (like the dishes) is why it just feels ordinary but it's still surprising how easy it’s been to settle in and feel at home in this place and with this new community. But this doesn’t just happen by itself – I think it’s a testament to the planning of this trip and the great people selected to be a part of it.

Anyway, now it’s Saturday afternoon here and I’m still feeling the effects of last night’s drinking. Luckily, it’s a very chill day and everyone is just hanging around. Since the cyclone is passing by tomorrow and/or Monday it will be a little bit quiet for the weekend, which is nice! Can’t wait to hike and spend more time at the beach next week though!