Chasing Dreams: How To Do What You Love Full Time

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Even after winning a dream job travel experience for 6-months, I still think a career as a travel blogger/influencer is a long shot. My mind has a fun way of killing my dreams because they’re “not practical” (Paul’s Mind, 2019). Since I’ve been thinking about settling for something a little more mundane than travel blogging/Photography recently, I wanted to write this blog post to both inspire you all to chase your dreams, and remind me why I’m trying to do the same.

When I used to bartend at my sister’s pub, there was a musician who performed classic rock hits every Thursday night. He had a dedicated fan base of older couples mostly, and the pub had (and still has) him on retainer. I learned that between the pub and his other 4-5 gigs a week, he made his living. Learning this made me really reconsider what it means to be successful. Here is a guy doing exactly what he loves to do, getting appreciated by friends/fans, and making enough to live well doing so.

I think a lot of us have this false ‘all or nothing’ idea that stunts our progress towards success. Either your a famous musician like T Swift/Justin Bieber or you fail. With Travel Blogging/Photography I also am often tempted to see it as an all or nothing situation. I need 100k+ followers or I can’t do this. There are so many amazing travel bloggers/photographers out there – I can’t create better content than them. However, the reality is, it doesn’t have to be like this. There’s a happy medium and further, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ – if you keep doing what makes you happy, you will find a way to make it work.

So this is just a little reminder that life is short, so we should all be following our dreams. You don’t have to be the best in the world at what you love, you just have to do it.