2018 In Review


Early this year, I remember feeling strongly that 2018 would be my year – I even dubbed it “The Year of Paul” in my mind (and probably out loud a few times to my friends, too). Looking back, I couldn’t have imagined almost anything that would end up happening this year.

I moved from Connecticut to DC, and Maine to New Hampshire. I traveled to Mexico, England, and Wales, plus road tripped across the country and back… all before even having found out about the White Claw Best Life Contest that I would end up winning.

Then, after the news about winning, traveling all over the US from Maine to Florida, Washington to California, and everywhere in between. I visited over 29 states, met tons of amazing people, and figured out a lot about me. I flew a plane, hiked to incredible mountain vistas, and soaked up the sun on both coasts. Plus, I got to go back to the UK and visit London, Paris, and Scotland during this time – some of my favorite places in the world!

However, while many of the experiences I’ve had have been incredible, It hasn’t been a perfect year. With all this time to think, I’ve worried a lot about the future, felt alone at times, and have also felt as though I’m missing out on community– that sense of belonging you get when you are rooted in a place.  That said, looking back, I am so thankful for this year. I am so lucky to have had this opportunity and still can’t believe this really happened.

I hope you all had a year you’re thankful for and here’s to an even better one in 2019!

Happy New Year!